Leading with Grit & Gratitude


Jen Guidry

Sell Me This Pen - How to Nail This Answer- Part I - The Engineer Detailed Types

business tip good ideas psychology sales selling success May 03, 2024

You know the old "interview" question that inevitably some employer deploys...."Sell me this pen." So annoying, right? I know. So, let me help you. I am going to do a 3-part series on selling that dang pen...but to different professions. You can use this in ANY types of sales scenarios. Here's how you do it!

Part I: The Engineer, the CPA and Other "Spreadsheet" Types.

When selling to professionals like engineers or CPAs, who are known for their analytical and detail-oriented nature, it's crucial to adopt a strategy that aligns with their preferences and decision-making processes. Here are some tailored suggestions to effectively engage and persuade individuals in these fields:

1. Focus on Data and Details: Engineers and CPAs appreciate thoroughness and precision. Present your product or service with comprehensive data, specifications, and case studies that demonstrate its value and effectiveness. Highlight how it solves a specific problem, improves efficiency, or contributes to their personal development goals.

2. Emphasize ROI and Efficiency: Both engineers and CPAs are results-driven, focusing on outcomes, efficiency, and return on investment. Illustrate how your offering can save time, reduce costs, or otherwise contribute to their bottom line. Concrete examples and testimonials can be particularly persuasive.

3. Tailor Your Communication: Use clear, concise language that speaks to the logical and analytical nature of your audience. Avoid jargon unrelated to their field, but don't shy away from technical terms relevant to your product or service. Your message should be straightforward, focusing on features and benefits that matter most to them.

4. Demonstrate Expertise: Establish credibility by demonstrating your understanding of their industry and the challenges they face. Share insights, trends, and innovations that relate to your offering and their professional interests in personal development. This approach not only positions your product or service as a solution but also builds trust in your expertise.

5. Offer Customizable Solutions: Engineers and CPAs often work in unique environments with specific needs. Show how your product or service can be tailored to fit their particular requirements. Flexibility and adaptability can be key selling points.

6. Provide Exceptional Support: Highlight the support and resources available to them as customers. Knowing that they have access to reliable assistance for any technical issues or questions can be a significant factor in their decision-making process.

7. Leverage Social Proof: Share stories and testimonials from other professionals in their field who have benefited from your offering. Peer recommendations can be incredibly influential in their assessment of your product or service.

By adopting a strategy that respects their analytical mindset, values their time, and addresses their specific needs, you can effectively engage engineers and CPAs, guiding them towards recognizing the value of your offering in supporting their business growth and personal development goals.